
A message from our CEO, Steve Keogh

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To each and all,

May I take this opportunity to wish you all well and hope that you all remain safe during this unprecedented time.  I am truly overwhelmed to read, hear and see some of the positive actions that our Government, NHS, businesses, charities, families and individuals are doing to protect and care for our nation, and each other.  These are uncertain times and it’s incredible how we’ve adapted to come together, remain strong and get through this.

The team at Plasma Clean are all safe and well.  We’ve all been working from home since the 18th March and we will continue to do so until the restrictions are lifted.  Other than the occasional dog barking, baby crying or teenager screaming at their Xbox, working from home is proving to be quite effective and it is business as usual.

Over recent weeks I’ve seen numerous articles on Indoor Air Quality and ‘Coronavirus killing products’, which is a relevant topic, as you would imagine.  Some of the articles and products appear to be misleading. I want to share Plasma Cleans knowledge, experience and technology in this market. Our aim is to provide some accurate information about Indoor Air Quality and virus killing solutions.

We plan to share this information via short video clips, presented by our Technical Director, Dr David Glover. David will also provide written information to support this, and we encourage and welcome any questions regarding our technology and solutions.
Our first video will be shared on our social platforms on Tuesday 14th April, with regular updates to follow.

Once again, I wish you all well. 

Stay Safe

Steve Keogh
CEO – Plasma Clean Limited